
Oncolytic LMB033, LMB040

Light-activated oncolytic peptides LMB033, LMB040 causing damage of cancer cell membranes upon irradiation with red light, currently at non-regulatory preclinical stage of development
Their advantages are:

— Precisely localized chemotherapeutic effect through external activation of oncolytic activity by benign red light (650 nm)
— Increased immune system response due to triggering the release of tumor neoantigens
— Targeting of therapy-resistant and stem-like tumor cells, ability to tackle tumor heterogeneity
— Unlike cancer vaccines, no risk of inducing of neutralizing antibodies
— Increased efficacy due to higher concentration of active compounds at the sites of lesions
— Higher safety due to in vivo photocontrol of toxicity
— No limitation to certain genotypes and no development of resistance due to cytolytic mode of action

Antibacterial LMB007

Currently, at exploratory stage of development